When I stumbled to my computer yesterday morning for my compulsive 5:30 a.m. internet fix, I was chagrined but not surprised to find that my Facebook profile had finally fallen to the besieging forces of required updates.
Remember the little box that used to be at the side of people’s profiles? It was a place of magic where I could put absolutely anything I wanted. Now it’s been lumped together with the “About Me” section, which in my case has resulted in a quote from book 6 the Iliad butting up against lines from a 17th-century metaphysical poet.
This is problematic because mixing Homer and Herbert is like unleashing a horde of barbarians in a country church.
I love my job, but it doesn’t define who I am... so why is it the very first thing to appear in unaesthetic jumble of text at the top of my profile? Then there’s the education snippet, which foregrounds the latest degree of a Facebook member. What if I want a previous school to appear instead?
I’m also disheartened by the “likes” part of the profile, which substitutes tiny pictures for the ability to get a full picture of someone’s character.
Speaking of likes, the ability to compare mine with other people's weirds me out... mostly because I’m paranoid.
But I reserve my greatest scorn for the “Featured Friends” option.